
Sponsor & Exhibitor

Interested in Sponsoring?

ICMART 2024 is recognized as the leading international platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge among researchers involved in comparative research on medical acupuncture.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate as a sponsor and exhibitor of ICMART 2024 and meet and promote related expertise to related experts from around the world, all in one place!

Sponsorship Package

Six prestigious sponsorship packages tailored to your institution’s / organization’s branding and needs are provided at the Congress.

(VAT not included)

  • Platinum

    USD 100,000

  • Gold

    USD 50,000

  • Silver

    USD 30,000

  • Bronze

    USD 10,000

  • Exhibition (Shell Scheme)

    USD 5,500

  • Exhibition (Space only)

    USD 5,000

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
Categories Details Price
(VAT not included)
Special Sponsor Benefits item discussion Enter Amount
Social Program Sponsor Welcome Reception $5,000
Gala Dinner $7,000
  • Sponsor’s name on the program book.
  • Sponsor’s logo in the on-site banners.
  • Sponsor’s logo in the sponsorship page of the website.
  • Invitation of 3 individuals to the social program.
Coffee Break Once / 6 times $1,500 (1time)
  • Sponsor’s name on the program book.
  • Sponsor’s logo in the space of coffee break.
  • Sponsor’s logo in the sponsorship page of the website.
Advertisement Abstract Book Table 4 $2,000
Table 2 $1,500
Table 3 $1,100
1 Insert page
(Black & White)
1/3 Insert page
(Black & White)
ICMART 2024 Website Banner $700
Advertisement Package Abstract book + Website 20% Discount

Contact Point for Sponsorship

Contact our dedicated Sponsorship & Exhibits Sales Manager for more information about our sponsorship options, and to discuss how can be involved in and support ICMART 2024.

Contact Us

Please fill out the following form to contact the ICMART 2024 secretariat.


